Open Ministry - Get Ordained, Online Ordinations

I am very proudto be a servant to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, with him all things are possible, but without God nothing is possible. Remember God loves you and me so very much, that he sent his son to be our sacrifice, he Jesus, paid a debt that he did not owe, we owed a debt we could not pay. With his sacrifice of dieing on the cross and rising from the tomb on the 3rd day, gives us the hope to be with him in heaven, if you accept The Lord as your personal Savior, and read his word and follow his teachings. For God is Great , I love him with my whole heart , soul, I can't wait to see him , that is going to be an awesome day. PraiseGod. If you don't know Jesus as your Lord and Savior and want to, please contact me , and I will be honored to introduce you to him.
Untill then
Hello and Christian greetings from the UK. I have been an ordained Minister of the Open-Ministry since February 2012. I have a tiny non profit House Church and hold services approx 3 times a month. The services provided by the Open-Ministry are next to none. I have received all certificates and goods ordered in no time at all considering the distance involved ( across the pond ) . All of us in our congregation are more than pleased to send a donation to help with the Oen-Ministry good works and ordinations.
Always friendly & Helpful. I'm so happy to be a part of a awesome team.
Hello to USA and UK. I live in the UK and was ordained minister, I received my credentials so anyone wishing to use my services please contact me. Even if it's for a chat thank you all.
For many years I have been an ordained minister. In addition, It is a great pleasure to be apart of a professional organization that keeps you updated with current information and a organization to support your ministry is Awesome! I have several affiliations I am connected to, but not always able to get everything I need to support events. Open Ministry is always on time operating in a Spirit of Excellence! Thank you for all that you do around the world.
Thankful for the Ordination and the help of making it happen.We have a small church but we also minster at a Rescue Mission and have seen thousands of ppl saved by the Power of Jesus Christ.Have been able to use the card we get from Open Minstry to see ppl on their death bed and with the card we get to go in ICU bc of being a minster and seeing ppl on their death bed to be able to give them Jesus before they pass on.If your truly called,this is the easiest way I've saw to get ordained.My thanks to Open Ministry.God Bless!
When you order a package will it come by mail or by UPS the only reason why I'm asking is because I live in a lockdown building so I will not be able to pick it up till I get off of work and I don't want it to get sent back thank you

---- Open Ministry ---
if you have any questions: please visit
My niece is getting married at the end of the year, she has asked me to officiate the wedding. My enrollment was august of 2016, does it expire and if so, do I need to do anything to keep my credentials current? Also, with whom and how do I registed in Pennsylvania ( I am in NJ)?

Open Ministry Response
Valerie, Please visit for help and support.
Grace and peace to you Open Ministry. I have been a Minister with you all going on 3 years come this Sept. and I just want to say thank you all for the love you all have to have this plan ready and available to us. The material and the website is a wonderful design and easy to work your way thur it. I thank God for putting Open Ministry in my life cause it made a perfect please for Minister like me to get in and get what we need and pass it on to other who are working for the same goal as we are. Please don't ever go anywhere. And God bless you all.
Hello all, I just wanted to share my thoughts on your new website. I LOVE IT!!! It is clean, clear and very manageable. I figured this would be the best way to alert you of my satisfaction. Thank you for alerting me on updating my information. I just recently moved and totally forgot about updating my information. Thanks again and congrats on the new look, Traci
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